Language Hub

At BCIS we believe that exposing children to foreign languages as early as 3 years old results in many psychological benefits that lead to better opportunities in life. Bilingualism increases critical thinking skills, creativity and flexibility in the mind of young students.  Learning a language at a young age is significantly easier and results in better fluency than if they learn as adults. The brain, just like any muscle, functions more efficiently with exercise!

At BCIS we offer three levels of English classes to ensure that each child will study at an appropriate level for their ability. All our students are monitored and assessed throughout the term to ensure they transition between classes:

1. English as a First Language (EFL)
The EFL class is tailored for native English speakers or learners whose English is at the level of first language speakers.

2. Intermediate English
The Intermediate English class supports students for whom English is not their primary language and are working towards the proficiency of the EFL class.

3. Supporting Language Growth: The EAL Program at BCIS

Introducing the EAL Program at BCIS

At BCIS, we are dedicated to supporting the language development of all our students, especially those learning English as an additional language (EAL). Our EAL program is designed to help students build strong English language skills, integrate seamlessly into the academic curriculum, and thrive in a multilingual, multicultural environment.

Why Choose BCIS for EAL Support?

  • Experienced Leadership: Our EAL department is led by Daria Kirbai, a seasoned educator with over 12 years of international teaching experience. Daria is committed to fostering an inclusive, supportive learning environment where students feel confident in their language journey.
  • Personalized Approach: We recognize that each student’s language learning path is unique. Our EAL team works closely with classroom teachers to tailor support and ensure students receive the individualized attention they need to succeed.
  • Inclusive Pedagogy: BCIS promotes multilingualism and cultural diversity. Our EAL program not only helps students improve their English proficiency but also values and nurtures their native languages and cultures, fostering a deeper appreciation for linguistic diversity.
  • Holistic Language Development: Beyond language skills, our program focuses on social, academic, and cultural integration, ensuring that EAL students feel comfortable, engaged, and fully included in the school community.
  • Global Perspective: With Daria’s international experience and expertise, BCIS’s EAL program benefits from a globally-informed approach, preparing students for success both locally and internationally.

We are proud to offer a nurturing and dynamic EAL program that supports students at every stage of their language development, helping them excel academically and culturally at BCIS.

The BCIS language hub consists of 5 additional languages for the Cambridge English programme:






Thai language lessons are provided for students in all age groups according to the Thai Ministry of Education requirements.

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