Wai Kru Ceremony – Thank you Teachers!

Thank you TEACHERS!
“It is not what is poured into the student, but what is planted, that counts.” – E.P. Bertin
Every year since 1957, Teachers’ Day is celebrated in Thailand on January 16 to honor teachers for their contribution to society. On this day, students traditionally show their respect to their teachers by participating in a school wide ceremony, also known as Wai Kru; an event to celebrate knowledge, the gift of learning, and to offer good wishes for the school year and in their future lives. This year our Thai department held three Wai Kru ceremonies to honor the hard work, dedication and passion provided every day by our BCIS Teachers and Academic teams. Once again, we would like to congratulate and thank each and every one of them for making BCIS Phuket what it has come to become today, for our students, families, and community.
“Teachers have three loves: the love of learning, the love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together.” – Scott Hayden
Education changes the world

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