Year 13 – Field trip to Bangkok

Our Year 13 students embarked on an exciting field trip to Bangkok, Thailand, with the goal of discovering the rich history and culture of the country’s capital.
During their stay, they saw famous buildings and cultural places. Students had the opportunity to learn about Bangkok’s history and how it has changed over the ages at the Siam Museum. They were able to learn more about the city’s social dynamics, economic growth, and cultural diversity through engaging exhibits and educational displays. The museum gave insightful information about the factors that moulded Bangkok into the thriving city that it is today. Students also gained greater knowledge about the significance of Arun Temple in Thai Buddhism and its function as a spiritual symbol at Wat Arun. The famous temples provide visitors with the delights of exploring magnificent architecture, elaborate spires, and elaborate decorations, all in an ideal location for a capital city temple. The group’s visit to The Grand Palace also expanded their awareness and comprehension of Thailand’s cultural history and royal tradition.
One of the highlights of their tour was Klong Bang Luang Community, which is tucked away among Bangkok’s canal banks. Through interacting with locals and learning about their rituals and crafts, as well as by exploring the tight passageways, students got a fresh appreciation for the warmth and resiliency of Thai people. To finish off the experience, our teens enjoyed Thailand’s premier amusement park, DreamWorld, known for its thrilling rides, colorful shows and attractions. From the grandeur of the Grand Place to the charm of the Klong Bang Luang community, each destination left a lasting impression on our Bangkok group, deepening their appreciation for Thailand’s diverse culture, and tapestry.

Year 9 Cultural trip to Chiang Mai!

We are excited to share our Year 9s’ memorable cultural trip to Chiang Mai!
Students visited the Chiang Mai City Art and Cultural Centre on their first exploring day. Then, in the Wat Si Suphan temple, they took part in an exciting silver workshop. The art and trade of crafting cutlery demands dexterity and precision, as students discovered, guaranteeing that each item is exquisite and delicate. Our students realised that these kinds of handcraft would disappear due to generational growth and the world’s rapid evolution, which made their experience acting as young global citizens even more meaningful!
At the Khum Khan Toke restaurant, where they experienced a four-region traditional show in which they represented the Lanna Style, their day came to a conclusion. They saw performances of performing arts from the North, Northeast, Central, and South, including sword dance, nail painting, Sabat Chai drumming, Sheng Manohra dancing, long drumming, and the protagonists of Thailand’s national literature, the Ramakian narrative.
The programme brought the Year 9s into the world of artistic expression and cultural heritage with an exploration of the hand-painted umbrella craft in Bo Sang hamlet. The handcrafted umbrellas in the workshop welcomed them with elaborate designs, and they were instructed to make their own to take home! Owing to its elevated location and accessibility via cable car, Wat Doi Suthep is a temple that is highly recommended for visitors. Students participated in their final activity, a workshop at Bann Tawai Woodcarving & Craft Village, after touring the temple.
Here are the pictures from the fantastic three days of cultural exchange that our Year 9 students participated in, which was organised by the Thai Department!

Inaugural Ski Trip to South Korea

Following the evolution of our Ski’N’finite Indoor Slopes opened over the course of the 2022/23 academic year, and the development of our BCIS Phuket Ski & Snowboard Academy, we could not be more thrilled to release mid-term break highlights of our inaugural Ski Trip to South Korea!
Making history at BCIS Phuket, we had the utmost pleasure in flying 11 students to Alpensia Ski Resort, a main 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics competition site. With six ski and snowboarding slopes that span up to 1.4 km, this site was suitable for both beginners and experts, Alpensia was the perfect place for our skiers, the majority of whom started to ski on the indoor slopes at school. As the students advanced through the levels and thrived to break their own personal records, local ski instructors from the JSKI Ski School took all of the students under their wing and developed their talents on the slopes and improved their technique!

We are incredibly appreciative of our BCIS Phuket families for making this amazing adventure possible. We were able to deliver this 2024 ski trip thanks to your constant encouragement and confidence in our first winter experience, which will motivate our school community for years to come! It goes without saying that we have also been astounded by the bravery, tenacity, and commitment of our star students! Everyone left with lifelong memories our BCIS Phuket Ski & Snowboard Academy bringing to life the inside-out approach to learning!
Watch out for our upcoming recap video soon!

#Education changes the world

Chinese New Year 2024

Meet Former NASA Astronaut Charles ‘Sam’ Gemar

Visite Officielle – Ambassadeur de France en Thaïlande, M. Jean-Claude Poimbœuf

Ce Jeudi 25 Janvier 2024, nous avons eu le grand plaisir d’accueillir l’Ambassadeur de France en Thaïlande, M. Jean-Claude Poimbœuf, accompagné de son épouse, de Mme. Carole Josse, Consule de France en Thaïlande, et de M. Alain Faudot, Consul Honoraire de France à Phuket.
Notre équipe de direction du programme français a profité de cette visite pour leur présenter l’étendue de nos deux Campus, échanger avec élèves et professeurs, et observer la réalisation du Centre Sportif ainsi que la portée des activités y étant menées. Nous sommes fiers de pouvoir recevoir des représentants du gouvernement français et de mettre en avant les multiples facettes de l’école qui permettent de fédérer une communauté française et francophone à Phuket.
Nous souhaitons remercier chaleureusement Monsieur l’Ambassadeur ainsi que l’ensemble de l’équipe de l’ambassade de France en Thaïlande, et en profitons pour remercier le réseau AEFE Asie-Pacifique pour son soutien dans le projet éducatif proposé par BCIS Phuket.
L’éducation change le monde

Wai Kru Ceremony – Teacher Appreciation Day

Download your BCIS Planetarium Calendar

As 2023 fades into 2024, we welcome a new year ahead with hopes of better (clearer) weather and more exciting astronomy learning for our valued students and community! As a special gift for everyone who dropped by our Planetarium page, we have compiled a special astronomy calendar (printable pdf file) for you. The photos in our beautiful BCIS Planetarium 2024 calendar includes some wonderful memories of astronomy and space events we held at BCIS. Also use this calendar to check the phases of the moon and some major astronomical events visible from the beautiful island resort of Phuket, Thailand. We hope you have a great year ahead, and we look forward to continue contributing towards astronomy education at BCIS and the community!
Happy 2024!

Back to school – Term 2

Semaine des Lycées Français du Monde

Dans le cadre de la 7e Semaine des Lycées Français du Monde (SFLM) organisée par le réseau AEFE, nos élèves du programmes français ont vibré sur le thème « S’engager, apprendre, s’épanouir : le sport pour tous et toutes ». La SLFM, moment attendu dans tout le réseau d’enseignement français à l’étranger, nous a donné l’occasion d’organiser des activités autour d’une priorité pédagogique et de donner à voir les défis sportifs mis en place, avec les élèves au cœur du dispositif !


Winter Camps

Chess Tournament – FINAL

Hello everyone!

This special chess week was a great success among our students, with a total participation of 128 students throughout the school!

They demonstrated strategy, analysis and synthesis, while showing respect for their opponents. I dare to hope that, like last year, this tournament will inspire not only the participants, but also the other students to (re)take up this magnificent game.

Congratulations to all participants, and especially to our new BCIS champion Nikita Stepanov!

Congratulations also to the best in their categories: Per-Marie, Kingma and Raphaël for Campus Junior, Nikita, Roman and Alina for Primary Senior and Ziv, Mathys and Maylisse for Secondary.

We look forward to future inter-school tournaments throughout the year!

Mr. Raffi Ichkanian – Projects & Events Manager

BCIS Chess Tournament – Day1.

PISAC Winners! U9 & U11 Teams take home the winning trophy

This past Saturday, November 11, our Paris Saint-Germain Academy Phuket took part in the PISAC championship of 2023/2024. Teams from competitive schools, including BISP, KIS, Headstart, UWC, and BCIS Phuket, were invited to the event.
Our U9 and U11 teams accepted the challenge, and with the help of our coaches and outstanding performances from every player, both teams were able to win the trophy!
We are incredibly pleased of their accomplishment and ongoing development, providing the teams and the public with an amazing experience at our Paris Saint-Germain Academy Phuket!

KISP visit to the Planetarium

We are happy and honored to host students from KISP Academy in our BCIS Planetarium. Our Cambridge Program Principle, Mr. Casey Barnes, kicked off the KISP Academy school visit with a rousing welcome speech. The students and teachers then got to enjoy our Fulldome content to learn about the universe, participate in a space quiz and enjoy some fun videos. They also learned about the night sky through our Sky show where the students and teachers got to learn how to find Saturn and Jupiter, and identify several constellations in the northern hemisphere winter night time sky.
Meanwhile, the weather outside was hot, but the sky was clear. Some students braved the heat to have a look at the sun safely through our specialized solar telescope. Our solar telescope, the Coronado PST, is used solely to observe the sun. It works by only transmitting a tiny sliver of the sun’s light, a specific red color emitted by hydrogen in the sun. This unique Hydrogen-Alpha emission allows us to see features on the sun’s surface (photosphere) such as sunspots, as well as the sun’s atmosphere (chromosphere) such as prominences, spicules, fibrils and flares.
We hope that the KISP teachers and students enjoyed the trip and were inspired by the sights and sounds they experienced at our BCIS Planetarium. We look forward to seeing them come to visit us again in the near future!

Halloween 2023, Pt.1 – Junior Campus

Halloween 2023, Pt.2 – Secondary

L’association Roazone Crew – Journée Hip Hop et échanges culturels

En ce jour de rentrée des classes, nous avons eu la chance de recevoir l’association Roazone Crew, pour une journée riche en échanges à laquelle ont participé nos élèves du Campus Sénior du programme français. L’association Roazone Crew mène autour du monde des activités culturelles, ludiques et sportives autour de la danse Hip-Hop et Breakdance.
Ordre du jour :
> Atelier danse et découverte du Hip-Hop
> Intervention sur les dangers des écrans et des réseaux sociaux
> Débat et question-réponse : Quelles sont les différences et les similarités entre une école française et une école internationale
> Activités sportives avec notre académie du Paris Saint-Germain, découverte du Ski’N’finte, du bowling, et du terrain multisports du Centre Sportif
> Découverte d’extrait emblématique du Planétarium, initiation a l’astronomie
> Spectacle de danse
Nous remercions l’association Roazone Crew pour cette journée symbolique, parfaite pour une rentrée des classes pleine de dynamisme, rythmée par la magie de la danse !
L’Éducation change le monde

PSG Academy Phuket – Cultural Experience

Kindergarten Olympics

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